Monday, August 22, 2011

Christ Is My World

“I had been ‘going at it’ one Sunday evening about living your whole life in Christ and for Christ, and one chap, because he thought that I must live my life on my knees, came to me, wringing his hands, because he was not being as holy as he thought he ought to be. I said to him, ‘You foolish boy, do you think this means winding yourself up into a kind of robot existence, forever clicking your heels before a ruthless sergeant-major Christ? You have got it all wrong. Christ is a world of being, not a set of rules. You live your life in him, you are naughty in him, alas, as well as good in him. You have fun there as well as seriousness. You must learn that Christ is no mere censor, but a Savior who saves us by gaining our trust and confidence more and more, and letting us live our total life in him. He is much more concerned about where we are going than about how far on we have got.’”

Rev. William Still, The Work of the Pastor (Carlisle, 1996), page 38.

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