Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Good Days Are Ahead

Wait on the Lord, Good days are coming (Ps.27:13-14) In the time of waiting my perspective can become so distorted and my focus sets on the circumstance and not on the One who can deliver me through the circumstance, perspective is everything.
The great news found in Psalm 27:13-14 is that my circumstance, condition or crisis whatever you'd like to label it, is not final. I must look beyond my trial and see that God always comes through, no matter what. This is not where I'm always going to be, I am to anticipate God's intervention. That is truly what it means to wait on the Lord, I'm not just waiting around for my impending doom. I'm waiting for God to intervene and fight for me! He's going to show up!
In a hard time or lengthy stretch of bad circumstances I'm to choose strength and courage, not fear and confusion, those two come from the enemy of my soul. Even if the situation or circumstances never change, I will wait one the Lord who can totally change them. Trouble and bad circumstances will not last forever, good days are ahead and God is already very present! What an incredibly faithful God we serve! Praise Him!


Anonymous said...

ron that's so encouraging. thanks. i read this a few days ago, but i really needed to hear it today. :)

Ron Reffett said...

Hey Emily,
No problem at all, I'm glad that you were encouraged by this. I hope that all is well with you. I'm digging the posts you've been putting up as well, very encouraging as well!