Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Not a Rock Star

I have the immense privilege of playing bass on the worship team at Harvest Bible Chapel Columbus. Every week, I truly sense that it's where I am supposed to be and it's exactly what I was designed to do. That being said, I also know that music and slapping my bass is not what worship is all about.
In Stephen Miller's new book, "Worship Leaders, We are Not Rock Stars" He shares an excerpt from Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost, " Worship as the Bible characterizes it cannot be limited to singing praise and worship songs to God. Although it includes this, it is far more all encompassing than that.Worship is nothing less than offering our whole lives back to God through Jesus. It is taking all the elements that make up human life, family, friendships, money, work, nation, etc. and presenting them back to the One who gives them their ultimate meaning in the first place."
That hits the nail right on the head. We aren't called to just sit in our comfortable seats, week in and week out, sometimes participating in corporate worship with our hands in our pockets, and our minds half engaged, the other half maybe on what's for lunch... I know this because, I've done that very  thing. 
Miller's book addresses some of these things in the sense that we have a heart problem, not an attention deficit problem. Stephen addresses this issue in a very unique way, giving nine titles as to what we are as worshipers. The chapter that stood out to me was "We Are Theologians" How can one adore and love someone if they have no idea who the One is that we're to worship? Miller gives a great example of his childhood memory of learning the A B C's song and how the simplicity of that and the simplicity of childhood songs that we sang in Church stuck with him. Songs like "Jesus loves me this I know " Jesus loves the little children." and actually believing the truth that was encapsulated in these simple verses.
Miller writes that, "even as a child songs were constantly shaping my theology. They were shaping my love for Jesus, teaching me who He is and what He has done. They made me a worshiper."
It's sad that as we grow into adulthood, we lose so much of the simplicity that we grew up with. Especially, as it relates to our faith in Jesus, for who He is and what He has done for us.

Overall, Stephen Miller's book is a great read. At 128 pages, one could sit down in an afternoon and read it. Don't let the short length fool you, this is a book that, as lead worshipers in our churches, it  will benefit you greatly. And it's one that you can pick up and re-read, or
use as a discussion point during band rehearsals.
And remember it's not about us, it's about Him. What a freeing thought, we aren't playing for the praise of men but for the very One who matters most, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Pick up a copy of Stephen Miller's work and prepare to be edified.

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